More Than Words; Commitment.

2 min readJun 13, 2024


my Westlife’s fav song, more than words.

How did you proof a “commitment”? Commitment is proven with a lot of consistent actions.

Commitment; noun; willingness to give your time and energy to something.

Remember that time I got super into a project. It started out awesome, but then things got boring. I could’ve easily given up, pretended I was still working hard. But that wouldn’t have been right. Real commitment isn’t about show-offy stuff, it’s about the everyday grind. It’s about late nights working because you really care, and celebrating even the small wins.

You can easily fake smiles, fake words, fake expressions, even fake your personality. But its almost imposibble to fake commitment. That shows up in all the little choices you make. It’s choosing to keep working when things stink, even when there are distractions. It’s the quiet voice inside you that says, “I’m in this for the long haul.”

Looking back, the real commitment wasn’t the initial excitement, but the steady effort that came after. It was doing the boring stuff, enjoying the small victories, and never forgetting the big goal. Those quiet moments of dedication? That’s where I truly proved how committed I was, to myself and to everything ive choose. That’s way more powerful than any fancy words or gestures.

And this June, I made a big decision for myself to prove my commitment. I hope I never regret this decision. I hope.




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