things i learned the hard way

3 min readSep 1, 2024


There was a time when I lived in the chaos of unmet expectations. I used to believe that life owed me something — a response, an acknowledgment, a kindness from those I considered close. I was always reaching out, hoping to receive back what I freely gave. But life, as I learned, doesn’t work that way.

My journey to serenity began with disappointment. I often found myself frustrated, questioning why people didn’t act as I thought they should. The more I gave, the less I seemed to receive. Friends I thought would stand by me disappeared when I needed them most. Relationships that seemed promising crumbled under the weight of my unspoken expectations. It took a long time, but eventually, I realized that the problem wasn’t with them — it was with me.

I was living with the false belief that I could control how others treated me. I expected people to mirror my actions, to offer the same loyalty and respect I gave them. But life doesn’t mirror our intentions; it reflects reality. I had to learn this the hard way.

One day, after another disappointing encounter, I decided I’d had enough. The cycle of hope and hurt was wearing me down. I realized that the only way to protect myself from the pain of unmet expectations was to stop having them altogether. It wasn’t easy — it felt like giving up at first. But over time, I came to see it as something else entirely: freedom.

I started setting boundaries, not just with others but with myself. I taught myself not to rely on anyone for my happiness or sense of worth. I stopped expecting people to be who I wanted them to be and accepted them for who they were. If someone disappointed me, I let it go instead of holding onto the hurt. My life began to calm in ways I never thought possible.

I began to approach relationships with a different mindset. Rather than seeking fulfillment from others, I focused on fulfilling myself. I became comfortable with solitude, realizing that I am my own best company. This shift changed everything. I no longer felt the need to please others or to bend over backward to keep a relationship intact. I became at peace with the idea that not everyone is meant to stay in my life, and that’s okay.

Setting boundaries was another lesson I had to learn the hard way. At first, it felt selfish to say “no” or to distance myself from people who drained my energy. But I realized that boundaries are not about keeping people out — they’re about protecting my peace. By establishing clear limits, I’ve managed to surround myself with people who respect me, and more importantly, I’ve learned to respect myself.

Today, my life is calmer because I don’t expect anything from anyone. This doesn’t mean I’ve become cold or indifferent — I still care deeply for the people in my life. But I care from a place of self-respect and inner peace, not from a place of need or desperation.

Now, when I interact with others, I do so with a clear understanding of my boundaries. I give without expecting anything in return, and if something is given to me, it’s received with gratitude, not entitlement. This has made my relationships more genuine and less strained. I no longer hold onto toxic connections out of fear of loneliness. Instead, I embrace the freedom that comes with knowing that my happiness isn’t tied to anyone else.

I’ve learned that the key to dealing with people is to deal with myself first. By understanding my own needs, setting my own boundaries, and managing my own expectations, I’ve found a level of peace I never thought possible. Life is calm now, not because it’s without challenges, but because I’ve learned not to let those challenges disrupt my inner peace.

In the end, the hardest lesson I’ve learned is also the most valuable: that true peace comes from within. By letting go of my expectations of others and setting clear boundaries, I’ve created a life that is calm, fulfilling, and truly my own. It’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way, but it’s one I’ll carry with me forever.




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