those things that didn’t go well, even though I already did my best.

3 min readAug 9, 2024


Life, with its tapestry of experiences, often weaves in threads of disappointment and heartache even when i’ve poured my hearts and souls into our endeavors. Relationships, friendships, careers, and life itself can sometimes feel like a relentless uphill battle, leaving me questioning my efforts and wondering where i went wrong.

I once believed love was a fairy tale, pouring my heart into relationships, hoping for a dream come true. But even with unwavering devotion, those dreams sometimes shattered, leaving me heartbroken. The pain was a stark reminder that even the strongest bonds can break.

Friendships, too, have tested my resilience. I’ve offered camaraderie, only to face indifference or betrayal. The sting of a broken friendship leaves a void as painful as any romantic heartbreak.

In my career, I’ve worked tirelessly, striving for success. Yet, despite my best efforts, recognition and rewards sometimes remained elusive. It’s tough when hard work doesn’t yield the expected results.

Life itself can be challenging, throwing unexpected curveballs. Loss, illness, and setbacks can leave me feeling battered and bruised, questioning my efforts. But amidst these dashed hopes, valuable lessons emerge. As the saying goes, “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” Resilience is born from adversity, and in my darkest hours, I discover my true strength.

Failed relationships teach me about self-love and healthy boundaries. I realize my worth isn’t tied to someone else’s approval. Broken friendships highlight the importance of surrounding myself with positive influences. Career setbacks prompt growth, encouraging me to reassess my goals and explore new paths. They remind me that success isn’t always straight forward, and detours can lead to unexpected opportunities. Life’s challenges, though painful, deepen my appreciation for each moment. They teach me gratitude for simple joys and the importance of living in the present.

As the Persian poet Rumi beautifully expressed, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” Those struggles, those failures, those heartaches, they all have the potential to transform me, to illuminate my path, and to lead me to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me.

Life’s beauty often comes from its imperfections and unexpected turns.

Life isn’t about reaching a perfect destination. It’s about navigating challenges with grace and courage, believing in your ability to overcome anything. It’s about finding meaning in struggles and discovering your inner strength, even when you feel weak.

Keep striving, dreaming, and doing your best, even when things are tough. Remember, our greatest fear isn’t inadequacy, but our own immense power. Embrace that power and never give up on yourself, no matter what.

attached this tweets, cz i love it so much




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