What Dumbledore said?

2 min readJun 15, 2024


Just finished another Harry Potter marathon — feels like the thousandth time! But this time, something clicked. Dumbledore’s wisdom really resonated with me.

“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Our choices are the driving force behind our lives. They propel us forward, shaping our experiences and defining who we become. Yet, every choice carries an inherent risk. There’s no guarantee of success, and the path we choose might be fraught with challenges.

But as Dumbledore also recognized, courage isn’t just about facing down enemies. He reminds Harry, “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” True bravery lies in taking action even when it’s difficult, even when the outcome is uncertain.

The act of starting itself requires courage. We stare down the unknown, unsure of what lies ahead. Will our efforts be in vain? Will we fail spectacularly? The fear of these possibilities can be paralyzing. Yet, it’s in taking that first step, venturing out of our comfort zones, that we open ourselves up to growth and the chance to make a difference.

The journey itself is where the magic happens. As we navigate the twists and turns of our chosen path, we learn, adapt, and develop resilience. We encounter setbacks, of course, but these are not failures, but opportunities to refine our approach. Every misstep teaches us a valuable lesson, making us stronger and more prepared for the next challenge.

And then there’s the question of ending. Knowing when to walk away from a path that’s no longer serving us, or a dream that has lost its luster, also requires bravery. It means acknowledging that things don’t always go according to plan and that sometimes the most courageous act is to let go.

The act of daring to start and daring to end — these are choices that deserve immense appreciation. They speak volumes about our character and our willingness to embrace the full spectrum of life’s experiences, both the triumphs and the inevitable challenges.

As a reminder to myself, the path forward will never be entirely free of risk. But as Dumbledore reminds us, it’s through our choices, through daring to take action, that we truly discover who we are and what we’re capable of achieving.




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